We Need To Fly 2024

Songs of Inner Peace
Songs of Inner Peace to projekt kiełkujący…
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Wśród ulubionych znajdę „Step by step”, „Raining Inside”, „Toxic Friend”, „Leaving”, „Good Goodbye” lub też „We need love”…
Violet River 2009
Nagrana w Bostonie w PBS Studio płyta „Violet River” zawiera 9 autorskich kompozycji.
Brzmienie jest dziełem Petera Kontrimasa, nad realizacją czuwali Kasia Rokicka, Joey Blake oraz Rafał Rokicki.
Kasia Rokicka – wokal
Kazuyo Kuriya – flet
Rafał Rokicki – fortepian, rhodes, wibrafon
Zak Croxall – bas
Thomas Hartman – perkusja
Ellyah Music ©℗ 2010
Letting Go
Letting Go - Lyrics
All I can trust is you
So let me reveal the truth
Lost I?ve been, woebegone
Like a forgotten song
The memories just fenced me in
The past seems a little dimmed
I need you to clear my way
To lead me through desperate straits
Should I forgive them or leave them alone
Should I believe what they say, what they do,
Should I let them go?
I?m haunted by ghosts that passed
The friends that were thought to last
From all souls what?s left is one
Fair like a shining sun.
Like two birds in cloudy sky
We?re dancing as time goes by
And though I forget what?s wrong
I still hear this hurting tone
Should I?.
They come and go, they come and go
We are the only ones staying
They come and go, they come and go
We are the only ones
They come and go, they come and go
We are the only ones staying
They come and go, they come and go
All I can trust is you
So let me reveal the truth
Lost I was woebegone,
Like a forgotten song
But two birds in cloudy sky
Are dancing as time goes by
While just like a winter snow
Ghosts melt as I let them go
They melt as I let them go
They melt as I let them go.
Racing To Midnight
Racing To Midnight - Lyrics
I?m watching you.
Your shining eyes lure me to fall.
You see me through.
My soul is naked letting you see what?s in me.
We slowly shut the world around us.
The stubborn clock is racing to midnight.
You smoothly move.
Your mind decides to open the door.
The hinge is loose.
Your soul is naked letting me see your mistery.
I gently dive and take you with me.
Our hungry hearts are racing to midnight.
A silver cloud wraps me up. I give in.
I?ve dreamt of you here with me.
I hope the midnight will never come.
Our hearts renewed.
Each one assured there?s place they can stay.
A long pursuit is over today
As we can se our destiny.
We?ll fly and cry and die together
As we are now racing to midnight.
Flying In Dreams
Flying In Dreams - Lyrics
Blue walls, box of toys
You are sitting on a dark green carpet
It?s late in the evening
You?re looking through the window
Overhearing silence around
Flying in dreams
Try, find a safe place
Flying in dreams
Run away
Hushed home, mum is gone
You are waiting for the car to reach driveway
Mama often works late
Dealing with the real world
As you wander on your colorful rainbow
Flying in dreams
Try, find a safe place
Flying in dreams
Run away
You know the scenario
It?s not the first time
Forget all the sorrow and imagine her
At home
Listening what you?ve got to say
Flying in dreams, try, find a safe place
Flying in dreams, run away
Who We Are
Who We Are - Lyrics
Day after day from the dawn to the dark
He works hard for his life for his wife for his child
There?s no time for a smile, time to rest for a while.
As he runs through his life, can he tell me who we are?
Who we are? Can he tell me who we are?
Sun shines on trees but he still doesn?t see
All the beauty around; only thought ? his account.
With his head falling down he is loosing his time.
As he sleeps half his life, can he tell me who we are?
Who we are? Can he tell me who?
I wanna know how it feels to reveal what is hidden inside.
I wanna find deeper truth and discover the secret of life.
Can he tell me who we are? Who we are?
Can he tell me who we are?
Day after day from the dawn to the dark
We work hard for a life for a wife for a child
There?s no time for a smile, time to rest for a while.
As we run through our life, who can tell me who we are?
Who we are? Who can tell me who we are?
Five For You
Five For You - Lyrics
In my heart there are smiles for you
That wait until they blossom on my face.
In my heart there are roses
That you gave me when I stood there sad and lonely
In my heart there are sparks that proudly jumped out of your eyes
Right into my soul
All of this in my heart
All of this guarded hard
All of this fills my soul
All of this makes me whole.
In my heart there are sweet words
That gently landed on my thirsty ears
Im my heart there are fingers of your hand
That held me tight when I was falling
In my heart there are teardrops that have fallen off my face
When we had to go
All of this?.
You are my sky, you are my sea,
It is your eyes I need to meet
And with your eyes I wanted to walk,
You are my life, you are my hope,
It is your smile that lets me grow
And with your smile I wanted to walk
To eternity.
All of this?
Falling Into The Sea
Falling Into The Sea - Lyrics
Flying carelessly
She?s touching extremes of an uncovered myth
Talking to clouds
Bathing in dreams
Her wings burn
She?s falling into the sea
Deep blue sea
Falling into the sea
Swirling helplessly
She?s falling again for an uncounted time
Drowning in tears
Sinking in pain
Her salty face is
Falling into the sea
Deep blue see
Falling into the sea
But she knows
Like a phoenix she?ll rise again
She needs to be reborn
Cause a bruised wing gains resistance
Fighting gravity
She?ll catch a high-tide of her beloved dream
Knowing the risk
Knowing the gloom
She?ll fly soon after
Falling into the sea
Deep blue sea
Falling into the sea
Reflection - Lyrics
She?s the reflection of the world around her
She?s the reflection of the beauty of your soul
She?s the reflection of the days that found her
Painting the sky with the sun or the snow
She sees your smile echo in her soul
She hears your tears like a rainfall in her ears
She?ll share your pain, embrace your happy grin
Where?s the end of her and where do you begin?
She?s the reflection.......
She blends as one melting into whole
Just like a beam that kissed surface of your skin
They harmonized, for a moment they were twinned
Where?s the end of light and where do you begin?
She?s the reflection....
Leaves falling down from the trees
See them all
Life is around all the time
Even small
Without the world she?ll dissolve
She?s the reflection...
She?s the reflection...
White Silver
White Silver - Lyrics
The full moon
Streets are covered in white silver light
The mighty face is watching like eternal guard
The empty silence fills the air?There?s nothing left but prayers
White silver
It?s been there
All the time
The ancient sign
The snowy street
Is buried under shining silver quilt
The mighty face looks cold, reflecting in the silk
The memories of that secret night
Will be shortly brought to light.
White silver?
There are moments where no one knows the path
The secret truth is hidden in the gloomy dark
One more soul is lost and never to return
Couldn?t know the lesson all around have learned
A sleeping face
On the other side of heavy clouds
The silver face that leaves in hidden presence of the night
Taken by the magic spell
The white silver designate
White silver?
Violet River
Violet River - Lyrics
Deep and mysterious
She hides her secrets under violet waves
Beautiful mirror
Where moon and sun can come and see their face
She?s a part of a greater beauty
Reaching far beyond the sky
She?s just a violet river
Swirling across the land
She?s just a violet river
Sweet kingdom of her own
She seems to stay forever
But soon she will be gone
Moody and changeable
She longs for darers who are strong and brave
Beautiful people
Who?d fight the waves and really try to bathe
She?s waiting there in her world
Full of creatures unseen to the land
She?s just a violet river?
She?s always in a motion
The world stays at the shore
The precious now floats undetected
She?s heading for tommorow
She?s just a violet river?
Cruel but magnetic
She fights her curse that leaves her on her own
Still unfamiliar
She?s gently putting on her violet gown
With their dance, their hiss, their sight
Sweet good elves will show her the way
She?s just a violet river..
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