Jerzy Sosnowski about “Chopin Revisted” 🙂
“I have just received a CD “Chopin Revisited” (Kasia Rokicka, Rafał Rokicki – Thank You!). I am listening and my first impression, that I had after hearing one track on YouTube, is confirmed – it is to me one of the most interesting jazz interpretations of Chopin’s music, even though basically I am not very fond of jazz versions of Chopin – excluding Novi Singers and probably Levity, with some reservation. I am pleasantly surprised, especially that the record begins with Nokturn c-moll op. 48 nr 1, which is my favorite piece by the composer, maybe even my “number one” – and the moment I noticed that my hand froze over the “play” button, since I wasn’t convinced whether I want to confront that. Meanwhile, in the music of Rokicki’s Trio there is so much space and… silence, suspension, consideration and with such sensitivity the original harmony is preserved – probably I am not a musicologist but an amateur listener, but I do not hear an irritating transformation of a romantic scale into a blues one, which is regularly committed when jazz meets Chopin – consequently, I really do not want to pause this beautiful album, but I MUST leave the house after all.”
(10. October; )
Jerzy Sosnowski ? pisarz, publicysta, felietonista, dziennikarz telewizyny i radiowy.
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